England - London (August)

Published on by ateamworldwideadventure

P1010198.JPGTook the Tube over to Camden to wander around bought some funky records with that old Motown sound. I’m in London still, la la London still. We listened to these lyrics countless times back in our home in Australia, they were often in the background when family and friends were over. We dreamed of taking the Tube ourselves to Camden to wander around. Today that’s exactly what we did, living our dream. This Waifs song still has special meaning to us and now even more so. So today we actually took the Tube (train) over to Camden markets and did exactly that….. wandered around. This suburb which is home to the markets certainly is a vibrant area, with many interesting characters. We spent a good couple of hours strolling aimlessly through the area, soaking up the culture. It was a beautiful area to take some stunning photos and a great place to grab some delicious home cooked food on the go, with an array of choices on offer. Now for a more dramatic change of scene we took the Tube to Oxford street, one of the busiest shopping precincts in London, scattered with many expensive stores. It was now time to burn some hard earned cash which Ben had earned on a cash job the week prior. It had been a while since we had bought clothes, so it was now time to treat ourselves with 150 pound each to spend. Many stores later and armed with about eight bags of shopping we were exhausted and ready to put the feet up.


P1010215.JPGWith no rest for the weary Sunday saw us travel into central London again to visit the free National Portrait Gallery. Let’s just say that anything before the 1970’s was of little interest to us, but the 70’s to current portraits were fantastic and really interesting to view. It was then onto 152 Baker street to visit the Sherlock holmes house, which is still attracting large crowds and a quick peek into the Beatles dedicated shop next door, before meeting the stars at Madame Tsuades. After over an hour wait in the queue just to get in and 60 pound ($120 AUD) later we finally made it. Well the stars were truly great all taking time out of their busy schedules to say hi. Simone whispered sweet nothings to George, chatted to Marilyn in a very windy place, had breakfast at Tiffany’s, hi fived Shrek and finally caught Mr Cameron at 10 Downing street. Ben was extremely busy having to equally divide his time between solving some mysteries with Mr Holmes, having a quiet moment with the Dali Lama, talking shop with David Beckham and having a chat to HM (Her Majesty) about the recent wedding. What a busy afternoon.

Published on 2011

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<br /> Great to catch up again with all your happenings<br /> <br /> <br />